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7月5日 高性能计算方法论(HPC)#


  • Basic Theories for HPC
  • Performance Analysis and Optimization Methodology
  • Practical Optimization Strategies
  • HPC Skill Tree
  • How to Learn HPC/CS

Basic Theories for HPC#

Factor affecting performance:

  1. Algorithms
  2. Models
  3. Software
  4. Hardware
  5. Physics

Example: Large Matrix Multiplication(详情可看AIPP中的MPI优化和BLAS矩阵计算,GPU速度会比CPU跑得快)

Performance Analysis and Optimization Methodology#

  1. 斐波那契数列计算,编译器会有优化(O2、O3)。可以通过IDA反编译看看实际运算的代码。
  2. Maximize performance: Speed、Throughout、Latency(延迟)or Resource is limited(quota配额)
  3. black box Dominant component

Roofline Performance Mode:

Arithmetic Intensity(AI) = FLOP's/Bytes (this could judge the performance of program)

屋顶线可以判断 CPU 和缓存的使用情况。我们是的最终目的是为了让它达到拐点!


  1. Amadal’s law(水桶效应,补全最短的)
  2. Methods : Analysis in math; Hardware simulator; Profile: sampling some usage of a resource; Trace: collecting highly detailed data about the execution of a system.
  3. General Optimization Pipeline

Practical Optimization Strategies#

  1. Algorithm Optimization - Prefetch & Prediction
  2. Caching :stores results from previous executions ; Limited cache size.
  3. Lock - Free: Use atomic primitives(CAS Atomic_add)

Negative example: GIL in Python

  1. Load Balancing(make or cores to work)
  2. Reduce Precision(精度)
  3. Reduce Branching(skip list or like binary tree of branch)
  4. Vectorization(High-level: vectorized computation graph ; Instruction-level: SIMD instructions)

See in your lab2

  1. Optimize Memory Access Locality
  • GEMM
  • Blocking
  • Loop Permutation(排列)
  • Array Packing

See in your lab3

  1. Instruction / Data Alignment

eg: compiler could auto optimize.(例如结构体会内存自动对齐)


  • Domain Specific Language
  • Manual Optimization is indispensable
  • Core Affinity(亲和力)(NUMA non-uniform memory access
  • Adapts general code to local machine
  • Auto - learning eg. black-box method : TVM
  • You can learn something about TPU and DPU and FPGA.

HPC skill tree#

  • Linux: 操作系统相关知识、Linux基本结构、 Shell使用
  • 集群运维和网络管理(分布式):NFS;
  • 协作开发与版本控制
  • 脚本自动化(Linux shell 或者 Python)
  • 带依赖程序的手动编译链接
  • 并行程序设计、测试和优化
  • 功耗控制与调参


Last update: 2023年9月27日 10:52:36
Created: 2023年7月3日 16:54:46