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Lecture 2 | Relational Model#

Structure of Relational Databases#


Formally, given set \(D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_n\) a relation \(r\) is a subset of \(D_1\times D_2\times \ldots D_n\).
Thus a relation is a set of n-tuple \((a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n)\) where each \(a_i\in D_i\).

\(A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_n\) are attributes. \(R=(A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_n)\) is a relation schema.
e.g. instructor = (ID, name, dept_name, salary).

A relation instance \(r\) defined over schema R is denoted by \(r(R)\).



  • The set of allowed values for each attribute is called the domain (域)of the attribute
  • Attribute values are (normally) required to be atomic (原子的); that is, indivisible
  • The special value null (空值) is a member of every domain

Database Schema#

  • Database schema -- is the logical structure of the database.
  • Database instance -- is a snapshot of the data in the database at a given instant in time.


schema 是抽象的定义, instance 是具体的实例。


Let \(K\subsetneqq R\)

  • \(K\) is a superkey (超键) of \(R\) if values for K are sufficient to identify (唯一确定) a unique tuple of each possible relation \(r(R)\)
    e.g. \(\{ID\}\) or \(\{ID, name\}\)
  • Superkey \(K\) is a candidate key (候选键) if \(K\) is minimal.
    \(K\) 中没有冗余属性
  • One of the candidate keys is selected to be the primary key (主键).
  • Foreign key (外键) Relation \(r_1\) may include among its attributes the primary key of another relation \(r_2\). This attribute is called a foreign key from \(r_1\), referencing \(r_2\).
    类似于指针,外键限制就是关系 \(r_1\) 引用的主键必须在关系 \(r_2\) 中出现。


    左侧表的老师 ID 必须出现在右侧表中。

    Why we need foreign key constraint?


  • Referential integrity (参照完整性)


    这里 \(time_slot_id\) 并不是关系 \(r_2\) 的主键,所以这里不是外键限制。


  • course 指课程信息,无论是否开课,都会有其定义。
  • section 表示教学班,真正开课时就有相应的实例。(类比于高铁的列车号,和每天对应的班次)
  • teachers 具体教哪个教学班的老师
  • takes 表示学生注册课程
  • time_slot 表示一门课的具体上课时间段,如数据库在周一 3, 4, 5 节; 周一 7, 8 节。
  • 上图中红线表示引用完整性的约束;黑线表示外键约束。

Relational Algebra#

Six basic operators

  • select: \(\sigma\)
  • project: \(\Pi\)
  • union: \(\cup\)
  • set difference: \(-\)
  • Cartesian product(笛卡尔积): \(\times\)
  • rename: \(\rho\)


\(\sigma_p(r)=\{t|t\in r\ and\ p(t)\}\) , where \(p\) is called selection predicate.

Select Example


The project operation is a unary operation that returns its argument relation, with certain attributes left out.
\(\prod_{A_1,A_2,\ldots, A_k}(r)\) where \(A_i\) are attribute names and \(r\) is a relation name.

The result is defined as the relation of k columns obtained by erasing the columns that are not listed. 会对结果进行去重。

Projection Example


The union operation allows us to combine two relations.
\(r\cup s = \{t| t\in r \ or \ t\in s\}\)

  • \(r\) and \(s\) must have the same arity (元数) (same number f attributes)
  • The attribute domains must be compatible
    当属性有关联类型时,对于每个输入 \(i\), 两个输入关系的第 \(i\) 个属性的类型必须相同。
Projection Example

Set Difference#

The set-difference operation allows us to find tuples that are in one relation but are not in another.
\(r-s=\{t|t\in r\ and\ t\notin s\}\)

Set differences must be taken between compatible relations.

Projection Example


The Cartesian-product operation (denoted by \(\times\)) allows us to combine information from any two relations.
\(r\times s =\{t\ q|t\in r\ and\ q\in s\}\)

Projection Example


Allows us to refer to a relation by more than one name.

Composition of Operations 1

Find the names of all instructors in the Physics department, along with the course_id of all courses they have taught.

这两条语句含义一样,但第二条我们先进行了一次 select, 条目少了更高效。

Composition of Operations 2

Find the largest salary in the university.

  • find instructor salaries that are less than some other instructor salary (i.e. not maximum)
    using a copy of instructor under a new name \(d\).
    \(\prod_{instructor.salary}(\sigma_{instructor.salary<d.salary}(instructor \times \rho_d(instructor)))\)
  • find the largest salary
    \(\prod_{instructor}-\prod_{instructor.salary}(\sigma_{instructor.salary}<d.salary(instructor\times \rho_d(instructor)))\)

我们第一步将两个关系拼起来之后,限定 instructor 的工资小于 d, 随后投影我们就可以获得所有不是最大值的薪水。(因为任何不是最大值的薪水都会在笛卡尔积 select 后至少存在一个元组,这样投影之后仍会存在。但最大值就不会有元组存在),最后用全集减掉即可。

Additional Operations#

  • Set intersection: \(r \cap s\)
  • Natural join: \(r\bowtie s\)
  • Assignment: \(\leftarrow\)
  • Outer join : \(r \rtimes s\), \(r \ltimes s\), \(r\)\(s\)
  • Division Operator: \(r \div s\)


The set-intersection operation allows us to find tuples that are in both the input relations.
\(r\cap s=\{t| t\in r\ and\ t\in s\}\)

  • \(r, s\) have the same arity
  • attributes of \(r\) and s are compatible
Set-Intersection Operation Example

Natural-Join Operation#

Let r and s be relations on schemas R and S respectively. Then, \(r\bowtie s\) is a relation on schema \(R \cup S\) obtained as follows:

  • Consider each pair of tuples \(t_r\) from \(r\) and \(t_s\) from \(s\).
  • If \(t_r\) and \(t_s\) have the same value on each of the attributes in \(R \cap S\), add a tuple $t $ to the result, where
    • \(t\) has the same value as \(t_r\) on \(r\)
    • \(t\) has the same value as \(t_s\) on \(s\)

对乘法的扩展,相当于先 \(\times\) 再 select, 最后 project.

Natural Join Example

  • Theta Join
    \(r\bowtie_\theta s=\sigma_\theta (r\times s)\)

Outer Join#

Computes the join and then adds tuples form one relation that does not match tuples in the other relation to the result of the join.

Uses null values:

  • null signifies that the value is unknown or does not exist
  • All comparisons involving null are (roughly speaking) false by definition

Outer join can be expressed using basic operations.

  • \(r\rtimes s=(r\bowtie s)\cup (r-\cap_R(r\bowtie s)\times \{null,\ldots,null\})\)
  • \(r\ltimes s=(r\bowtie s)\cup \{null,\ldots,null\}\times (s-\cap_R(r\bowtie s))\)
  • \(r\)\(s\) \(=(r\bowtie s)\cup (r-\cap_R(r\bowtie s))\times \{(null, \ldots)\}\cup\{(null,\ldots,null)\}\times (s-\cap_s(r\bowtie s))\)
Outer Join Example


\(r\ltimes_\theta s\) 保留 \(r\) 中能与 \(s\) 相连的元组。

Semijoin Example


Given relations \(r(R)\) and \(s(S)\), such that \(S \subset R\), \(r\div s\) is the largest relation \(t(R-S)\) such that \(t\times s \subsetneqq r\)

We can write \(r\div s\) as

\[ \begin{align*} temp1 & \leftarrow \Pi_{R-S}(r)\\ temp2 & \leftarrow \Pi_{R-S}((temp1 \times s)- \Pi_{R-S,S}(r))\\ result & = temp1 - temp2 \end{align*} \]
Division Example

Aggregate Functions and Operations#

  • Aggregation function(聚合函数)takes a collection of values and returns a single value as a result.

    • avg: average value
    • min: minimum value
    • max: maximum value
    • sum: sum of values
    • count: number of values
  • Aggregate operation in relational algebra \(G_1,G_2,\ldots,G_n \mathcal{G}_{F_1(A_1),\ldots F_n(A_n)}(E)\)

Aggregate Operation Example

分组结果没有名字,可以用 rename 或者 as 进行改名。
e.g. dept_name G avg(salary) as avg_sal (instructor)

Multiset Relational Algebra#

因为一些操作的中间结果会带来重复元素,要保持集合特性开销很大,因此实际操作中不会去重 。

SQL and Relational Algebra#

  • select A1, A2, ... An from r1, r2, ... rm where P is equivalent to \(\Pi_{A_1,\ldots, A_n}(\sigma_P(r_1\times r_2\ldots r_m))\)
  • select A1, A2, sum(A3) from r1, r2, ... rm where P group by A1, A2 is equivalent to \(A_1, A_2 \mathcal{G} sum(A_3)(\sigma_P(r_1\times r_2\times\ldots r_m))\)
    这里按 \(A_1,A_2\) 分组,那么结果的表中会有 \(A_1,A_2,sum(A_3)\) 三列(分组依据+分组后的聚合结果),这里我们需要的就是这三列,所以分组即可。但是假设我们只需要 \(A_1, sumA3\) 那么最后还需要投影。

Last update: 2024年6月18日 12:43:09
Created: 2024年3月19日 11:22:29