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Query Optimization#

  • Introduction
  • Transformation of Relational Expressions
  • Statistical Information for Cost Estimation
  • Cost-based Optimization
  • Dynamic Programming for Choosing Evaluation Plans
  • Nested Subqueries
  • Materialized Views
  • Advanced Topics in Query Optimization


Alternative ways of evaluating a given query

  • Equivalent expressions
  • Different algorithms for each operation

Estimation of plan cost based on:

  • Statistical information about relations. Examples: number of tuples, number of distinct values for an attribute
  • Statistics estimation for intermediate results(Cardinality Estimation) to compute cost of complex expressions
  • Cost formulae for algorithms, computed using statistics


Generating Equivalent Expressions#

Two relational algebra expressions are said to be equivalent if the two expressions generate the same set of tuples on every legal database instance

Equivalence Rules#

  • selection

    1. 可以把算子拆分
      如果某些属性有索引,那么可以先拆分,在索引 select 之后再执行其他算子,否则不如不拆分。
    2. 算子可交换
    3. 投影的属性可以只保留最后一次的
    4. 选择算子可以和合并结合
  • join



  • projection


  • set operation


  • other

Enumeration of Equivalent Expressions#

  • Repeat
    • apply all applicable equivalence rules on every subexpression of every equivalent expression found so far
    • add newly generated expressions to the set of equivalent expressions
  • Until no new equivalent expressions are generated above



Statistics for Cost Estimation#


  • \(n_r\): number of tuples in a relation r.
  • \(b_r\): number of blocks containing tuples of r.
  • \(l_r\): size of a tuple of r.
  • \(f_r\): blocking factor of r — i.e., the number of tuples of r that fit into one block.
  • \(V(A, r)\): number of distinct values that appear in r for attribute A; same as the size of \(\Pi(r)\).
  • If tuples of r are stored together physically in a file, then: \(b_r = \lceil \dfrac{n_r}{f_r}\rceil\)
  • Histograms
attribute age of relation person

Selection Size Estimation#


  • \(\sigma_{A=v}(r)\)
    \(n_r / V(A,r)\) : number of records that will satisfy the selection.
    如果要找的是一个 key, 那么 size estimate=1
  • \(\sigma_{A\leq v}(r)\)
    • Let \(c\) denote the estimated number of tuples satisfying the condition.
    • \(c = 0\) if \(v < \min(A,r)\)
      v 比属性 A 的最小值还要小
    • \(c = n_r\cdot \dfrac{v-\min(A,r)}{\max(A,r) - \min A(A,r)}\)
    • In absence of statistical information c is assumed to be \(n_r / 2\) (没有最大、最小统计信息时).



The Cartesian product \(r \times s\) contains \(n_r\cdot n_s\) tuples; each tuple occupies \(s_r + s_s\) bytes.

  • \(R \cap S = \emptyset\)
    没有公共属性,等价于 \(r\times s\)
  • \(R \cap S\) is a key for \(R\), then a tuple of \(s\) will join with at most one tuple from \(r\)


  • If \(R \cap S\) in S is a foreign key in S referencing R, then the number of tuples in \(r\bowtie s\) = the number of tuples in s.

  • If \(R \cap S = \{A\}\) is not a key for R or S.
    \(n_r * \dfrac{n_s}{V(A,s)}, n_s * \dfrac{n_r}{V(A,r)}\).
    以第二个为例子,站在 s 的角度,每一个 s 可以和这么多个元素连接。


Size Estimation for Other Operations#

外部连接 r, s 认为是 r s 自然连接的结果加上 r 的大小。

Estimation of Number of Distinct Values#

估算 V(A,r).

Selections \(\sigma_\theta(r)\), estimate \(V(A,\sigma_\theta(r))\)

  • If \(\theta\) forces A to take a specified value, \(V(A,\sigma_\theta(r))=1\)
    e.g., A = 3
  • If \(\theta\) forces A to take on one of a specified set of values: \(V(A,\sigma_\theta(r))=\) number of specified values
    e.g., (A = 1 V A = 3 V A = 4)
  • If the selection condition \(\theta\) is of the form A op v, \(V(A,\sigma_\theta(r))=V(A,r)*s\)
    利用选择率 s 计算
  • In all the other cases, use approx1imate estimate: \(V(A,\sigma_\theta(r))=\min(V(A,r), \n_{\sigma_\theta(r)})\)

joins \(r\bowtie s\), estimate \(V(A,r\bowtie s)\)

  • If all attributes in A are from r, the estimated \(V(A,r\bowtie s)=\min(V(A,r), n_{r\bowtie s})\)
  • If A contains attributes A1 from r and A2 from s, then estimated \(V(A,r\bowtie s)=\min(V(A1,r)*V(A2-A1,s), V(A1-A2,r)*V(A2,s), n_{r\bowtie s})\)

Choice of Evaluation Plans#

Must consider the interaction of evaluation techniques when choosing evaluation plans

choosing the cheapest algorithm for each operation independently may not yield best overall algorithm
e.g. merge-join may be costlier than hash-join, but may provide a sorted output which reduces the cost for an outer level aggregation.
Mergejoin 代价高,但是有个好处是 join 后是有次序的,对上层操作有利。


Cost-Based Join-Order Selection#

Consider finding the best join-order for \(r_1\bowtie r_2\bowtie \ldots r_n\).
There are \((2(n – 1))!/(n – 1)!\) different join orders for above expression.


Using dynamic programming, the least-cost join order for any subset of \(\{r_1, r_2, \ldots r_n\}\) is computed only once and stored for future use.

Join Order Optimization Algorithm

先分解成两个小的集合 \(S_1, S-S_1\). 递归地细分。

Left Deep Join Trees#

In left-deep join trees, the right-hand-side input for each join is a relation, not the result of an intermediate join.


Cost of Optimization#

  • With dynamic programming
    • time complexity of optimization with bushy trees is \(O(3^n)\).
    • Space complexity is \(O(2^n)\)
  • left-deep join tree
    • Time complexity of finding best join order is \(O(n 2^n)\)
    • Space complexity remains at \(O(2^n)\)

Heuristic Optimization#

Cost-based optimization is expensive.

Heuristic optimization transforms the query-tree by using a set of rules that typically (but not in all cases) improve execution performance:

  • Perform selection early (reduces the number of tuples)
  • Perform projection early (reduces the number of attributes)
  • Perform most restrictive selection and join operations (i.e. with smallest result size) before other similar operations.
  • Perform left-deep join order

Additional Optimization Techniques#

Nested Subqueries#

Nested query example:

select name from instructor 
where exists 
    (select * from teaches
    where instructor.ID = teaches.ID and teaches.year = 2022)
找出 2022 开课的老师的名字。


Parameters are variables from outer level query that are used in the nested subquery; such variables are called correlation variables(相关变量)

把刚刚那个例子改为一个 select 语句,那么一个老师如果开了很多门课就会出现很多个名字。但是加上 distinct 关键词后又无法区分同名情况。

半连接 \(⋉\)_\theta s$,检验 r 是否满足某个关系。
If a tuple \(r_i\) appears n times in r, it appears n times in the result of \(r \(⋉\)_\theta s\) , if there is at least one tuple \(s_i\) in s matching with \(r_i\).


The process of replacing a nested query by a query with a join/semijoin (possibly with a temporary relation) is called decorrelation(去除相关)

Decorrelation of scalar aggregate subqueries can be done using groupby/aggregation in some cases


Materialized Views#

A materialized view is a view whose contents are computed and stored.

有些数据库里把 view 实例化了,真正存储在内部的临时表。

create view department_total_salary(dept_name, total_salary) 
as select dept_name, sum(salary) from instructor group by dept_name

Saves the effort of finding multiple tuples and adding up their amounts.

use incremental view maintenance(增量视图维护)
The changes (inserts and deletes) to a relation or expressions are referred to as its differential(差分)

  • join: \(V^{new}=V^{old}\cup (i_r\bowtie s), V^{new} = V^{old}-(d_r\bowtie s)\)


  • select: \(V^{new}=V^{old}\cup \sigma_\theta(i_r), V^{new} = V^{old}-\sigma_\theta(d_r)\)

  • projection:
    For each tuple in a projection \(\Pi_A(r)\), we will keep a count of how many times it was derived.

    • On insert of a tuple to r, if the resultant tuple is already in \(\Pi_A(r)\) we increment its count, else we add a new tuple with count = 1
    • On delete of a tuple from r, we decrement the count of the corresponding tuple in \(\Pi_A(r)\) if the count becomes 0, we delete the tuple from \(\Pi_A(r)\)

  • count \(v= _Ag_{count(B)}\)

    • insert: For each tuple r in \(i_r\), if the corresponding group is already present in v, we increment its count, else we add a new tuple with count = 1
    • delete: for each tuple t in \(i_r\).we look for the group t.A in v, and subtract 1 from the count for the group.
      If the count becomes 0, we delete from v the tuple for the group t.A
  • sum \(v= _Ag_{sum(B)}\)

  • min, max

怎么利用这些 view?

  • Rewriting queries to use materialized views:


  • Replacing a use of a materialized view by the view definition

Materialized View Selection

Last update: 2024年3月19日 11:22:29
Created: 2024年3月19日 11:22:29