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Give the source#

  • The extracts were obtained by ...
  • The ... used in the study was provided by ...
  • The ... was purchased from ...
  • ... were a kind gift from ... (, courtesy of ...)
  • The inclusion criteria used here are a modified version of those used by ...
  • All images were acquired from ...

Describe the method#

  • At the beginning of the experiment, ...
  • then, later, when ...
  • At the end, there was a noticeable ...

Compare with others#

  • We follow ...
  • The analytical method was adapted from ...
  • ... was prepared as described by ...
  • We modified ...
  • Data were collected using a revised version of ...

Justify your choices#

  • For brevity, these equations are not shown here.
  • To make the problem more tractable, we ...
  • ... is added to the matrix in order to ...
  • The advantage of this approach is that ...
  • For verification purposes, we also ...
  • Our control drug was given to all patients; therefore, we were able to ...
  • To prevent contamination, we ...
  • ... so as to avoid ...

Indicate that appropriate care was taken#

  • Care was taken to maintain strict confidentiality.
  • ... thoroughly at least three times.
  • To prevent ..., only gentle, repeated ... (avoid, circumvent, prevent, resist)
  • ... was tightly clamped
  • ... was carefully monitored
  • We used a reliable analytical method to ensure that ... based on ...

Indicate where problems occurred#

  • Despite our routine of monthly examinations, follow-up was not perfect.
  • It was slightly difficult to deposit ..., probably owing to ...
  • Varying the diameter required the machine to be recalibrated, which was rather time-consuming.
  • Due to the lack of multiwavelength data, it was not possible to ...
  • Inevitably, considerable computation was involved.
  • This procedure was slightly problematic in that ...

Results & Discussion#

  • To our knowledge, the study reported here is ...
  • However this was not addressed formally during the study.
  • Some questions remain unanswered.
  • The results of this study provide compeling evidence that ...
  • a direct comparison with the post-viral period would provide ...
  • In addition the study provides evidence-based guidance for ...

useful words

Map to existing literature or knowledge 1. Rather than being excluded as is often suggested, ... 2. ... resembles the findings of ... 3. ... provide support for the theory that ... 4. ... approach complements existing ... 5. The study extends ... 6. This study extends ... 7. These results are consistent with ... 8. The current study therefore both confirmed and expanded prior findings.

Refine or explore the implications of the results 1. It is conceivable that ... could 2. A tentative explanation is that ... may 3. We hypothetize that ... could 4. It is intriguing to speculate that ... may 5. However, we do not rule out the possibility that ... 6. We postulate that ... may

Achievement and contribution 1. This results in a cost-effective approach which significantly improves scalability. 2. We were able to demonstrate a striking difference in ... 3. We describe not only ... but also ... with unprecedented accuracy. 4. This study provides a first step towards a better understanding of ... 5. This model is thus both realistic and computationally efficient / flexible.

Current and future work 1. Future studies should investigate whether ... 2. Developing a modle able to answer ... is an exciting challenge for future research. 3. Future work should focus on (in progress to) ... 4. ... should be investigated further. 5. Recommendations for future research include ...

Applications, use or implementation 1. This approach provides evidence-based guidance for ... 2. The dissection protocol outlined here is apppropriate for ... 3. The approach presented here is suitable for ... 4. ... here could be used to evaluate ... 5. The proposed technique could be implemented widely within the ... 6. Our protocol will enable ..., thereby facilitating ... 7. This work shows that ... are feasible for widespread use. 8. The data reported in this study could eventually lead to ...

Last update: 2024年7月1日 18:50:50
Created: 2024年5月10日 18:14:41