CS106L - 24 winter#
Slide Note#
lec3 Initialization & referrence#
- 初始化
- referrence
- cv-type
- You can’t declare a non-const reference to a const variable
lec4 Stream#
cerr and clog
cerr: used to output errors clog: used for non-critical event logging
lec5 Class#
- How to write .h and .cpp file
- To make alias
- How to use
pointer -
Container adapters:例如queue中的deque和list
virtual 关键词 用于声明虚函数。虚函数是在基类中使用 virtual 关键字声明的成员函数,它可以在派生类中被重写(覆盖)。:
lec6 Template class#
为什么要使用模板类? - 代码复用 - 类型安全 - 性能优化
const 的使用
由于编译器并不知道std::string stringify(const Student& s){ return s.getName() + " is " + std::to_string(s.getAge()) + " years old." ; }
函数是否会改变s的值,所以我们需要在函数后面加上const关键词。 -
throw exception
void Student::setAge(int age) { if (age < 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("Age cannot be negative"); } this->age = age; }
const_cast 使用技巧
lec7 template function#
- An example
- Constraints and concepts
Complex Reference
3. 使用template可以更有效率:
struct Factorial {
enum value =n * Factorial<n - 1>::value };
template<>// template class "specializationstruct
Factorial<0>{enum fvalue=1};
std::cout <<Factorial<10>::value << endl;//prints 3628800, but run duringcompile time!
lec8 function and lambda#
- function pointer
- lambda expression
- Functor
- virtual function: can be overrided by derived class
- The STL implements tons of cool algorithms that we can use without rewriting them!
lec9 Operator Overloading#
fraction example: https://replit.com/@havenw/simplefraction
lec10 Special Member Function#
Class has three main part: the constructor and destructor, member variables, and functions.
Totaly, there are 6 special member functions: - Default constructor - Copy constructor - Copy assignment operator - Move constructor - Move assignment operator - Destructor
The compiler will generate these functions for you if you don't define them yourself. However, if you define any of these functions, the compiler will not generate the others for you.
- 浅拷贝和深拷贝
#include <iostream> class ShallowCopyExample { private: int* data; public: // 浅拷贝的构造函数 ShallowCopyExample(const ShallowCopyExample& other) { data = other.data; // 只是复制指针,而不是复制指针指向的数据 } // 深拷贝的构造函数 DeepCopyExample(const DeepCopyExample& other) { data = new int(*other.data); // 分配新的内存,并复制数据 } // 析构函数 ~ShallowCopyExample() { delete data; // 释放动态分配的内存 } }; int main() { ShallowCopyExample original; ShallowCopyExample shallowCopy = original; // 浅拷贝 DeepCopyExample deepCopy = original; // 深拷贝 return 0; }
If you have to define a destructor, copy constructor, or copy assignment operator, you should define all three!
- Needing one signifies you’re handling certain resources manually.
- We then should handle the creation, assignment, use, and destruction of those resources ourselves!
lec RAII & smart pointer#
- 一段代码中存在许多种可能的code path, 我们需要留意是否会造成内存泄漏。 | | Acquire | Release| |Heap Memory | new | delete| | Files | open | close| | Locks | try_lock | unlock| | Socket | socket | close |
Unique_pointer: can not be copied.
Created: 2023年7月4日 20:38:52